

Why have membership?

Membership is for the mutual benefit of both the church and the member. When we join a church we are offering ourselves to one another to be encouraged, rebuked, corrected, and served. We are placing ourselves under leaders and submitting to their authority (Heb. 13:7). We are saying, “I am here to stay. I want to help you grow in godliness. Will you help me to do the same?”

what is needed to be a member?

For one to place their membership at WCC they must first attend the church for at least 6 months and attend a membership class. These parameters were set in place to ensure that prospective members have a commitment to WCC and so they know exactly what they are committing to when becoming a member.

What does the membership class cover?

First and foremost the class seeks to answer any questions a person might have about the churches stances on different Christian beliefs. It also outlines what benefits a member receives, what expectations there are of members, and looks ahead at what a Christian’s next steps might be after becoming a member. Click the button below to register for our next membership class.